IP & Trade Marks

Our expert team have an excellent reputation for assisting individuals and businesses to protect and preserve their intellectual property rights. We have a high success rate for resolving simple and complex trade mark issues and protection for trademarks.

The GLF team is experienced and familiar with the following:

• Anti-Counterfeiting – Prohibits competitors from copying brand ideas and product impersonation.

• Domain Name Disputes – Attempts to preserve and protect domain name disputes.

• Design Rights – Aims to prohibit competitors from copying your designs and design ideas. Design rights protect the design for ten years.

• Copyright Issues – We advise on ownership and copyright issues and infringement.

• Trade marks and Brands – Our team are experts in litigation disputes and brand arrangements and advise on protection for brands. We can advise you on applying for a trade mark application, registration, clearance searches, infringement and more.

• Patent Litigation – We deal with infringement, exhaustion of rights, as well as licensing disputes.

Furthermore, the general scope of our services include:

  • Brand Protection
  • Enforcing IP Rights
  • Copyright
  • Design Rights
  • Licensing and Franchising
  • Patents
  • Trademarks
  • Buying and Selling IP Rights